Reza Azad

Deep Learning Researcher & founder of Bmdeep

Department of Electrical Engineering
RWTH University
Aachen, Germany



I am a self-motivated and goal-oriented deep learning researcher on the intersection of machine learning, computer vision and medical image analysis. My ultimate research purpose is to mimic human intelligence and design intelligent algorithms to cope with challenges in the medical domain. I have a primary focus on the following topics:
1- Few-shot learning for medical image analysis
2- Texture and Inductive bias in CNN networks
3- Transformers for medical image segmentation
4- Minimizing human supervision (self-supervised, semi-supervised and multi-modality learning) along with robust algorithms to tackle the problem of missing labels, modalities and imperfect medical data.
5- Read-world challenges for medical image analysis including Kaggle and Grand-challenge

Before joining RWTH, I was a research internship at MILA/NeuroPoly and ETS University, Montreal , working with Prof. Jose Dolz. I obtained my M.Sc. degree under supervision of Professor Shohreh Kasaei, Sharif University of Technology in September 2017.

I am always open to research collaboration. So if you are interested in healthcare, machine learning, computer vision, and medical image processing, feel free to drop me an email with your CV.


Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

Contextual Attention Network: Transformer Meets U-Net
Reza Azad, Moein Heidari, Yuli Wu, Dorit Merhof
Submitted to MICCAI 2022.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

SMU-Net: Style matching U-Net for brain tumor segmentation with missing modalities
Reza Azad, Nika Khosravi, Dorit Merhof
MIDL 2022.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Medical Image Segmentation on MRI Images with Missing Modalities: A Review
Reza Azad, Nika Khosravi, Mohammad Dehghanmanshadi, Julien Cohen-Adad, Dorit Merhof
Submitted to Medical Image Analysis Journal.
[PDF] [Project page]

Deep Frequency Re-Calibration U-Net for Medical Image Segmentatio
Reza Azad, Afshin Bozorgpour, Maryam Asadi-Aghbolaghi, Dorit Merhof, Sergio Escalera
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021 (Oral presentation).
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Stacked Hourglass Network with a Multi-level Attention Mechanism: Where to Look for Intervertebral Disc Labeling
Reza Azad, Lucas Rouhier, and Julien Cohen-Adad
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on MLMI, 2021.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Multi-scale Regional Attention Deeplab3+: Multiple Myeloma Plasma Cells Segmentation in Microscopic Images
Afshin Bozorgpour*, Reza Azad*, Showkatian Eman, Sulaiman Alaa
*equal contribution
Proceedings of the MICCAI Workshop on Computational Pathology, PMLR 156:47-56, 2021 (Oral presentation).
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

On the texture bias for few-shot cnn segmentation
Reza Azad, Abdur R Fayjie, Claude Kauffmann, Ismail Ben Ayed, Marco Pedersoli, Jose Dolz
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021 (Oral presentation).
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Attention Deeplabv3+: Multi-level Context Attention Mechanism for Skin Lesion Segmentation
Reza Azad, Maryam Asadi, Mahmood Fathy and Sergio Escalera
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2020.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Semi-supervised few-shot learning for medical image segmentation
Abdur R Feyjie, Reza Azad, Marco Pedersoli, Claude Kauffman, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.08462, 2020.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Multi-level Context Gating of Embedded Collective Knowledge for Medical Image Segmentation
Reza Azad, Maryam Asadi, Mahmood Fathy and Sergio Escalera
arXiv:2003.05056, 2020.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Bi-Directional ConvLSTM U-Net with Densely Connected Convolutions
Reza Azad, Maryam Asadi, Mahmood Fathy and Sergio Escalera
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019 (Oral presentation).
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Dynamic 3D Hand Gesture Recognition by Learning Weighted Depth Motion Maps
Reza Azad, Maryam Asadi, Shohreh Kasaei and Sergio Escalera
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume: 29, Issue: 6, June 2019.
[PDF] [Project page] [Code]

Honors & Awards

IEEE journal reviewer, 2021
Second place in SegPC grand challenge. SegPC 2021 ISBI Challenge
Invited speaker at the fourth IPM advanced school on computing 2020. IPM event